private investigators
- n.私人侦探;同 private detective
- private investigator的复数

But perhaps they don 't have to turn themselves into private investigators or Congressional subcommittees .
Private investigators can buy troves of personal data to obtain information on companies or individuals .
Well , do they have pro bono private investigators ?
H-P and private investigators found no violation of the sexual harassment policy at the company .
The BDD , a German detective Association , says members work to high legal standards and dismisses the idea that private investigators are Stasi throwbacks .
His detention shocked multinationals and financial groups – and their lawyers and private investigators – who had to ask themselves if China was tightening its vague rules on private investigations .
Britain 's police and security services are said to be ' very interested ' in the device and store detectives and private investigators have placed orders to use it in undercover work , say the company .
Those with money sometimes hire private investigators to ensure that a prospective spouse does not have any ill intentions or has not already fallen in love then broken off that relationship in favor of an approved match .
They do that so they can get a shock from everyone . Actually , in the West , most media outlets also hire private investigators to get exclusive news . This has also been viewed as hurting the people 's privacy .
Last year , Uber , the taxi app group , apologised after one of its top male executives said he might hire private investigators to dig into the private life of a female blogger who was critical of the company .
Foreign luxury goods companies all have extensive anti-counterfeiting programmes in place in China and use private investigators and lawyers who work with local authorities to combat the manufacture , sale and export of fake products , but many prefer to keep such policing operations quiet .